

In order to educate and increase awareness, TAMU OTF offers training across a variety of different areas. Trainings can be conducted virtually or in person, and can cover a range of topics and be tailored to a specific target audience. These include:

  • Statewide training and distribution of Naloxone rescue kits and harm reduction initiatives
  • Statewide delivery of OUD prevention education for children, youth, and young adults delivered through public schools, community colleges, and universities available through traditional classroom delivery and other media outlets such as online learning communities
  • Training and mentoring for clinicians regarding Medication Assisted Treatment to treat Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) to include the TAMU EMPOWER ECHO online learning community
  • Assisting and training clinicians regarding DEA X-waiver training
  • Establishing and supporting community substance use disorder (SUD) coalitions
  • Training regarding impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Opioid Crisis and the effects of stigma on care and prevention education for SUD/OUD

How to Request Training

TAMU OTF has provided training across the state of Texas.